The school mission statement defines the principles of Unity High School and its principles form the basis for every school policy.

Unity High School exists to provide all its students, whatever their gender, nationality, religion or ethnic origin, with an education of the highest quality. Emphasis is placed on enhancing and developing potential whilst encouraging self-discipline and mutual respect. Above all, the school aims to lay the foundation for each individual to enjoy further study and to achieve a happy and successful life


Primary SchoolIn the Primary School our main aim is to provide a firm foundation for pupils to enable them to graduate to the Senior School.
We have  pleasant buildings and good classrooms, with many interesting displays providing an excellent educational environment.
All classes have graduates as assistants teachers. We have high expectations of pupils and all members of staff provide strong pastoral support.Please refer to the below for details on the school’s primary curriculum, for any additional information please contact us via phone or through our contact form and we will reply with the required information.

Primary School Curriculum (2015-2016):

Year 1          Year 2          Year 3

Year 4          Year 5          Year 6

Early Years Center

During the first few years in the school children build on basic skills. It is still important for pupils to have the opportunity to ‘play’ and careful planning ensures that they are provided with stimulating practical activities, which lay the foundations of key concepts and social skills.

Early Years is a foundation upon which children build the rest of their lives, we aim to work with parents as a partnership in their child’s education to produce happy, well balanced and independent children to have a happy and successful time with us.

Unity high school is an independent, English curriculum, co-educational, multi-racial school serving the needs of both Sudanese and expatriate families in Khartoum.The School curriculum is based upon the English national curriculum, culminating in the international general certificate of secondary education issued by the University of Cambridge, UK.Unity High School offers three reports throughout the year (progress report, midterm report and end of year report).


Exam courses offered by the school

  • Cambridge check points exams for year 9
  • All IGCSE extended and core exams are offered in year 10 & 11
  • French DELF exams
  • AS & A2 level exams

for any additional information please contact us via phone or through our contact form and we will reply with the required information.


Information on fees and admissions procedures can be acquired through the Admission’s Office. Details of current fees are available on request, please submit your inquiry through our contact form indicating the recipient as admission and we will reply with required information.



For Reception to Year 9 a list of books with prices of each for every year will be dispensed by the relevant librarian, these books have been specifically selected to meet student’s learning needs.

For year 10 to 12 books will be dispended according to Option. In case of change in Option new books have to be bought at extra cost without refund for the old ones.


School Uniforms are available from the Uniform shop. Students must purchase original full school uniform including PE kit in their house colours and winter sweaters. The above should be paid for in the Accounts Department and collected from the shop on production of a receipt.



Principles of the Unity High School Admission Policy Acceptance of a child into Unity High School is according to academic ability, demonstrated through success in entrance examinations and through reports from previous schools. Such ability includes the expectation that they will be fully proficient in the use of English at their level.Age criterion

Unity High School operates a 13 year programme based around the UK system. The Primary School covers Years 1-6, for ages 5-11. The Secondary School covers Years 7-11, for ages 11-16. The post-16 programme covers Years 12 and 13, for ages 16-18.

Children will be admitted into year level for which their age qualifies them. The school year runs from August 1st to 31st July of the following year. Exceptions may not be made solely on the basis of ability or birth close to the cut-off date. However, discretion may be allowed in the case of obvious anomalies involving children coming from a system with a different school year.

Class size

The maximum class size is 25. Unity High School will only exceed this number in the most exceptional of cases.

Children with special educational needs

Unity High School will try to accommodate all children who fulfil the basic entry requirements. However we may not be able to accommodate children with very specific educational; needs.

Children living with physical disabilities

Unity High School believes in equality of opportunity. However, the particular nature of working in a building that is over 100 years old means we may not be able to accommodate children living with some physical disabilities.

Admission criteria

The following selection criteria will be applied to every application:

  • Passing the entrance test for the appropriate year group
  • Successful Interview with child and parent / guardian for children where entrance tests do not apply
  • Positive commentary on more then one previous school report

Any or all of the following criteria may be applied in cases of doubt or to decide between candidates of similar perceived ability

  • If the candidate is the child of a teacher joining the school
  • If the child already has siblings in the school. The term sibling  – The term “sibling”” includes half brothers and sisters and may also include legally adopted children
  • An interview subsequent to the entrance test
  • A further entrance test
  • A positive recommendation from a previous school Principal or other suitable teacher
  • A reference from a religious leader who knows the child well
  • A record of participation in co-curricular activities at school,
  • A record of excellence in the Arts or Sports
  • A record of participation in activities that offer service to the school and / or wider community

Application Procedures

  • On receipt of the appropriate payment, the school prospectus and admission form may be obtained from the school.
  • The main entry tests will take place in Term Two of the year preceding admission. The majority of places will be filled at that time.
  • Other entry tests may take place at any time during the year subject to there being available space in the Year Group
  • The number, time and nature of the tests for any year level will be included in the school prospectus

Admission Decisions

  • Decisions on admission of any child to the school will be made by a team including leadership team of the school.
  • Following the completion of admission tests and submission of relevant documentation, letters will be issued within fourteen days of the sitting of the tests. The letter will either:
    • Confirm the child has been accepted into the school (letter of acceptance)
    • Confirm the child has been placed on the waiting list (letter of provisional acceptance)
    • Request further information and/or further testing to take place (letter requesting further details)
    • Confirm the child has not been accepted into the school (letter of rejection)

Acceptance of admission offer

Upon receipt of a letter of acceptance, within fourteen days the parent should:

  • Confirm in writing that the parent wishes the child to join the school
  • Pay the necessary fee as required
  • Sign the code of conduct confirming the parent’s acceptance of the school’s rules and regulations

Failure to adhere to each of these steps will mean the place will be forfeited and offered to a child on the waiting list

Children on the waiting list

Upon receipt of a letter of provisional acceptance:

The parent will be advised a date upon which the school will advise a final decision on acceptance. This will be no longer than 31 days from the date of sitting the examination

Request for further details

Upon receipt of a letter requesting further details, the parent will be given specific information about what is being requested in order to take the application further. A timeline for submission of materials will be provided, which must be adhered to.

Appeal against letter of rejection

Upon receipt of a letter of rejection, the parent has the right of appeal according to the below procedure.

Appeals against a decision to reject a child may be made to the school within seven days of the date of the letter of rejection being issued. Later appeals may not be considered. Appeals must be made in writing, including a full rationale for the school to overturn the decision. Appeals must be addressed to the Director of the school. Decisions on appeals will be made in writing to the appellant within seven days of receipt of the appeal.

Materials belonging to the school

Entrance examinations written by the child, marking schemes, references about the child and all other information collected by the school as part of the admissions process are privileged to the school. They may not be released to parents at any stage of the process, including during the appeals procedure.


Unity High School has a rich history and, having been founded in 1902, is one of the oldest English speaking schools in Africa. There are around nine hundred students across all Key Stages. We broadly follow the British National Curriculum and offer Cambridge IGCSE and A Levels. The school is well resourced but we will need your resourcefulness too.

Unity High School lies at the very center of the historical city of Khartoum where the Blue and White Nile meet, so be prepared to be in the thick of things. It is a fascinating city with plenty of sporting, travel and cultural activities to get involved in. Khartoum is full of friendly people and is extremely stable and safe; you will be made to feel very welcome. It is of course hot and dusty and you cannot expect the same conditions that you may be used to, but that is the challenge and the opportunity. You will never regret having spent time in Sudan.